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IP명 A Low Power and Wide-Dynamic Range Cyclic Three-Step Time-to-Digital Converter in 180 nm CMOS
Category Analog Application Bio Medical IC
실설계면적 3800㎛ X 3800㎛ 공급 전압 3.3V
IP유형 Hard IP 동작속도 900MHz
검증단계 Silicon 참여공정 MS180-1805
IP개요 We describe a low power, small area time-to-digital
converter (TDC) based on Venier cyclic digital controlled oscillator
(DCO) structure. The TDC is designed to be combined with an
array of single photon avalanche diodes (SPAD) arranged in a
digital silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) architecture to form a
fluorescence lifetime sensor. The high dynamic range is achieved
by using two individual counter in two continuous conversion
steps: coarse step and fine step. The third step quantifies the time
residue to achieve high resolution.
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