제목 작성자 작성일 2856 LED Brightness Control System Using Serial Communication 범진욱 24.11.12 2855 LDE Driver & AES & SECLDO 정준원 24.11.12 2854 PLL & PUF 추민성 24.11.12 2853 2t_1c 3t_2c eDram_PIM 추민성 24.11.12 2852 A Highly Efficient Hybrid Dickson DC-DC Converter with Dual Inductor Structure.. 조건희 24.11.10 2851 200 mW Ultrasound-based Wireless Power Harvesting and Communication Battery Ch.. 이경태 24.11.10 2850 Chopper Stabilized Transimpedance Amplifier for Nanopore Application 김정석 24.11.09 2849 A 4.2V Input Multiphase Hybrid Buck Converter with Cooperative Control Method 김철우 24.11.09 2848 Wireless Power Transfer System With Global Power Control 범진욱 24.11.08 2847 VDD Insensitive Logarithmic SAR ADC for Resistor-based Temperature Sensors 모현선 24.11.08 2846 Current Mirror Circuit with Compensating Part for Accurate Vector-Matrix Multi.. 최우영 24.11.08 2845 4,020 PPI OLEDoS Pixel Circuit Design for Wide Data Voltage Range for High Uni.. 최병덕 24.11.08 2844 A Hybrid Single-Stage DC-DC Converter for Slave Charger Providing Multiple Out.. 조건희 24.11.08 2843 A 40V Slew-Rate Controllable High-Speed GaN Gate Driver with Adaptive Dead-Tim.. 김주성 24.11.08 2842 Double step down Buck Converter using MPPT for calculating input power 이종욱 24.11.08 2841 Pseudo-CCM Single-Inductor Four-Output Buck Converter 최중호 24.11.08 2840 Ambient RF Energy Harvester with DC-DC Boost Converter 변상진 24.11.07 2839 Wireless Power Transfer System for Implantable Devices 이형민 24.11.07 2838 OLEDoS Pixel Circuit for Pulse-Amplitude-Modulation Method Utilizing Digital D.. 이수연 24.11.07 2837 Accurate and Low-power Frequency Generation and Division Circuits for Quantum.. 김주성 24.11.07 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ▶ 143 통합 검색어