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IP명 빠른 안정화 속도를 가지는 인다이렉트 보상 LDO 설계
Category Analog Application LDO
실설계면적 3.8㎛ X 3.8㎛ 공급 전압 1.8V
IP유형 Hard IP 동작속도 20MHz
검증단계 Silicon 참여공정 MS180-1602
IP개요 A low-dropout voltage regulator(LDO) for SoC applications. The proposed LDO has fast transient response for a load step by using dynamic current-biasing and channel splitting compensation. For a 1.5~1.8V input voltage and 1.3V output voltage, the simulated undershoot and overshoot is only 8mV for load transient of 10uA to 10mA within edge times of 100 ns. The proposed LDO dissipates 70uA at no-load condition. The circuit was designed by a 0.18㎛ CMOS technology.
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