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IP명 Pre-charge 스위치와 이진-가중치 전류 DAC를 사용한 고정밀 SNN 아날로그 시냅스 회로
Category Analog Application analog circuit
실설계면적 4㎛ X 4㎛ 공급 전압 1.2V
IP유형 Hard IP 동작속도 1GHz
검증단계 Silicon 참여공정 SS65-2002
IP개요 synapse circuit using a pre-charged switch and a binary-weighted current DAC. The proposed synapse circuit achieves stable and high resolution and reduces the area by replacing a capacitor with binary-weighted current DAC. In addition, the unwanted switching current error is reduced by 73% by adding a pre-charged switch to the circuit
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