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IP명 Sensor Driver 및 Readout SoC
Category Mixed Application RF MEMS Sensor
실설계면적 5㎛ X 5㎛ 공급 전압 3.3V
IP유형 Hard IP 동작속도 1.2GHz
검증단계 Silicon 참여공정 HM-2301
IP개요 This IP proposes a sensor driver and readout SoC for an RF MEMS sensor fabricated with a band-stop filter. The proposed system consists of a sensor driver, which supplies a constant power to the RF MEMS sensor, and a readout SoC, which linearly reads the capacitance variation caused by the introduction of microplastics. The proposed sensor driver has a serial structure in which a VCO and a PA are connected, and an auxiliary path with a PA is added to overcome the limitation of the impedance mismatch that occurs at every moment when the center frequency changes within the bandstop. The PA in the auxiliary path is combined with a Wilkinson power combiner to compensate for the output power error rate within 10%. Furthermore, the proposed readout SoC can detect the power induced in the RF MEMS sensor linearly using an RF detector with a wide dynamic range. The 0.18-μm CMOS prototype of the sensor driver and readout SoC with an active area of 22.5-mm2 demonstrated 8dBm output power, 9.1% output power variation, and 25dB dynamic range. Additionally, the simulation showed a tx efficiency of 2% when the total power consumption was 312.9mW.
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